Elephant family in Amboseli National Park

Elephant family in Amboseli National Park
We're in Kenya's Amboseli National Park today to celebrate Siblings Day with these baby African elephant twins and their mom. Siblings Day is celebrated every April 10 in parts of the US and other areas of the world. In 1995, Claudia Evart, who lost her siblings a...[阅读全文]

Lithuanian Easter eggs

Lithuanian Easter eggs
Humans have been decorating eggs for Easter for centuries, but decorated ostrich eggs have been found from as far back as 60,000 years ago, long before the Christian festival began. The Easter egg has long been a symbol of fertility and rebirth, but exactly why people starte...[阅读全文]

The Giant's Causeway

2023-04-08County Antrim, Northern Ireland
The Giant's Causeway
Throughout history, humans have crafted legends to explain natural phenomena that defy our understanding. A prime example is the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland where some 40,000 basalt columns spring from the ground at the shore. Scientists tell us these columns deve...[阅读全文]

Baby Eurasian beavers

Baby Eurasian beavers
Behold the mighty beaver, nature's engineer. They fell trees with their massive orange incisors, using the wood to build two main structures, the dam, which creates a pond in which they can build their living quarters—the lodge. A beaver uses a lodge to hide from predators, s...[阅读全文]

Moon rising

2023-04-06Tucson, Arizona
Moon rising
The full moon has inspired folklore, myths, writers, and artists throughout history and has been given many names, depending on the time of year it appears. April's first full moon is known as the pink moon, but that doesn’t mean it will appear pink against the night sky. Nat...[阅读全文]

West Lake Ink Landscape

2023-04-05Hangzhou , China
West Lake Ink Landscape
These showy males are squaring up in Kuusamo, Finland, a popular hang-out spot for black grouse as they take part in a flamboyant courtship ritual. They fan their tail feathers and inflate their necks while letting out a murmuring coo, hoping that a female selects them. This...[阅读全文]

Roman bridge

2023-04-04Córdoba, Spain
Roman bridge
The Roman bridge of Córdoba, in the ancient Spanish city’s historic center, has been rebuilt several times over the centuries. For 2,000 years it was the city’s only bridge across the Guadalquivir River, originally built in the first century BCE during the expansion ...[阅读全文]

Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

2023-04-03Big Island, Hawaii
Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park
Happy National Find a Rainbow Day! These colorful natural marvels appear when light strikes water droplets, creating a natural prism effect. So, areas that have plenty of sunshine and showers are a good place to start your search.And where better to look than Hawaii, sa...[阅读全文]

Mount Bromo in East Java

Mount Bromo in East Java
Welcome to the spectacular Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, on the Indonesian island of Java, famous for stunning sunrises and its dramatic landscape. Here, a massive ancient volcano erupted thousands of years ago and inside its collapsed crater, more volcanoes formed...[阅读全文]

Javan tree frog

Javan tree frog
This sleepy-looking Javan tree frog, which is only found on the Indonesian island of Java, is the perfect mascot for National Frog Month. While not everyone is a fan, frogs play a critical role in the food chain, eating pests like mosquitoes, flies, spiders, and even mice...[阅读全文]